Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Introduction to Connecting Corners

Well semi-retirement isn't so bad! I get to do things that spark my creativity. Not wanting the generations behind me to think I am not quite 'chic'  was a thought that sparked my imagination about blogging. However, that is not the primary reason for launching "Connecting Corner". 

I really treasure my family roots that are constantly expanding beyond our Slovak ethnicity while not denying our generational background. I am thrilled that our family now shares German, Irish, Thai, Russian and Korean ethnicity.

It is exciting to think we are becoming globally immersed in a web of geographical connections. It would be great if you would add to my list and tell all of us about any other ethnicity that has become a part of our family. I look forward to expanding our family tree.  If you have any old family photos I would love to post them in my blog. Love, Aunt Joyce

Agnes (Gervenak) Durosko and John Durosko (circa 1955)