Thursday, June 16, 2011

Agnes Gervenak and John Durosko's Wedding

Circa 1926
(Double click on the photo to enlarge)

It is always gratifying to view this historical photo where our family roots emanated- your grandmother or great-grandmother and grandfather or great-grandfather Agnes Gervenak and John Dursoko. My sister Rita and I keep excoriating ourselves for not having identified all the people who participated in this wedding. This is what we know:

In the front row is Rose Gervenak, Agnes Gervenak and possibly Pauline Gervenak?
In the second row is 'unknown', John Durosko, Andrew (Curly) Gervenak 

Just a reminder to all the family. Take the time to label  your photos. Go back especially to your historical photos and identify accordingly. We always think we will remember the names and faces but, as we know, time seems to erode some memories and recall. 

With technology today, scanned photos can be stored on Cd's and preserved this way.  However, who knows what technology will offer in the future. In the meantime, there is nothing like handling and feeling an old photo that has been handed down from generation to generation. Get the preservation fever!  Love, Aunt Joyce